White is coming...
After the DRM toolkit thingy, Sony fills up again the news headline. But this time it’s Sony Computer Entertainment of Europe’s white PSP ads.
The advert that shows a white woman clutching a black woman’s chin receives a diverse reaction among Americans. Some of them said that the advert is racist while other sees nothing wrong about it. Actually it is intended for the Dutch advert of the white ceramic PSP not for Americans.
"Whilst the images used in the campaign were intended solely to highlight the contrast between the different colors available for the PSP, we recognize that the subject matter of one specific image may have caused concern in some countries not directly affected by the advertising," the company said in a statement. "As a result, we have now withdrawn the campaign."*
As for the Dutch ad, Sony is promising to think twice about selling products with the imagery of interracial fighting from here on out. "In the future, we will apply greater sensitivity in our selection of campaign imagery and will take due account of the increasingly global reach of such local adverts and their potential impact in other countries."*
*source: MTV News
>I can’t see anything wrong about the advert. I say it because I’m not affected of the racism issues among black and white people. But if you ask a black people, he probably might say it’s racial. That’s the logic of this problem. We know that racism is a critical issue to the citizens of